Chris Harder is a printmaker, painter, photographer and sculptor whose work focuses on the visceral experience of abstract gestural expressionism.

It also explores the archaic part of the human psyche by way of her figurative sculpture and photography.

She attended the College of Central St. Martin's in London and received a Bachelor's Degree in Fine Art with a specialization in Printmaking and Sculpture. Chris's work has been featured in national publications and media such as " Art Printing Today".

The artist also worked in film advertising and fashion photography and as a mould maker at Fine Art Bronze Foundry on King s Road in Fulham, specializing in casting figurative bronze sculptures.

She exhibits mainly in London and has had shows in Switzerland, Germany, West Africa and the United States.

Her work has been represented by Gallery 98TBR in London and by Michael Heath Gallery in Palm Springs.

Chris has also enjoyed staging her own shows and art events where she invites other artists, musicians and writers to perform at the opening.

She has supported fellow artists with projects at Tate Modern, the V+A and the Southbank Centre. 

The artist is a keen art therapy practitioner and facilitates experimental art workshops for schoolchildren, families, artists and adults especially designed to yield health benefits.

If you would like to and are able to support her work you can become a patron.

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